All exhibitions of the Nippon Suiseki Association are supported by the
Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. |
The following section details the five main factors used in evaluating
a stone and its quality/potential as a suiseki: shape, material, color,
texture, and “age.” This information comes from the book “An Introduction
to the Beauty of Suiseki” by Arishige Matsuura, the Chairman of the Nippon
Suiseki Association. In this book, Mr. Matsuura writes: “Suiseki is the
act of a single, natural stone moving an individual’s imagination and calling
forth a number of artistic impressions. In other words, it is the hobby
in which from the shape, surface, color, and so on of a stone, we can feel
as if looking upon a landscape or a variety of other natural phenomena.” |
To put it simply, when looking upon the stone the viewer should be reminded
of something in nature, particularly a landscape or another natural form.
Mr. Etsuji Yoshimura devised the “Rule of Three Faces” in assessing shape:
front and back, left and right, and bottom. Viewed from any of these angles,
the ideal suiseki will maintain a balance and harmony with the other sides,
however, this is a very difficult ideal to explain in concrete terms and
is ultimately best left to the judgment of the individual, though it still
holds as an important, basic guideline. |
A good suiseki must be a stone of material
which is not easily destroyed or changed.
It should be hard and dense, yet give a soft sense of calm. The finest quality material will also
maintain a moist, wet feeling long after having been watered.
Though all colors that harmonize with nature are acceptable, dark and more
subdued tones are generally preferred. Particularly in Japan, maguro, or
a deep black color, is considered ideal. Dark gray (haiguro), and a deep
green-black (aoguro) are also very highly regarded. |
(C) Nippon Suiseki Association. All Rights Reserved.